IB_Components Unit
Classes Types Const

This unit contains the foundational IB Access components.

EIB_ColumnError  Exception type for column exceptions.
EIB_ConnectionError  Exception class for the TIB_Connection component.
EIB_DatasetError  Exception class for the TIB_Dataset component.
EIB_StatementError  Exception class for the TIB_Statement based components.
EIB_TransactionError  Exception class for the TIB_Transaction component.
TIB_BDataset  This class serves as a base to the IB_Query component.
TIB_BindingCursor  This class is used internally to provide individual row handling.
TIB_BlobStream  This class is used to access and modify the contents of BLOB columns.
TIB_Column  This object is like the VCL TField and TParam combined.
TIB_ColumnArray  Foundation upon which a custom class of array handling columns can be based.
TIB_ColumnBinary  This component implements the TIB_ColumnBlob class that is used for all non-text columns that are blobs.
TIB_ColumnBlob  This class is used to handle BLOB column types.
TIB_ColumnComp  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnCurr  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnDateTime  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnDB_KEY  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnDouble  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnFloat  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnInt64  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnInteger  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnMemo  This is the component which is used for all text blob columns.
TIB_ColumnNumBase  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnNumeric  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnQuad  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnSmallInt  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnText  Column type sub-class.
TIB_ColumnVarText  Column type sub-class.
TIB_Component  This component is a foundation level class that serves to provide a reference to the Session.
TIB_Connection  This component obtains a persistent connection to an InterBase database.
TIB_ConnectionLink  This component provides a way to make forms and components or controls that contain an instance of this component to be made connection-aware.
TIB_ControlDataLink  This component is used to make a TWinControl based control data aware.
TIB_Cursor  This component is most ideally used for things like reports or table scans where the data does not need to be buffered and bi-directionally scrollable.
TIB_Database  This component is intended for BDE/VCL compatibility only.
TIB_DataLink  This component is used to make another component or control data aware.
TIB_Dataset  This class serves as the base for the TIB_Cursor and TIB_Query components.
TIB_DataSource  This component is used in order to provide a reference to an IB_Dataset component.
TIB_DSQL  This component is used for all InterBase DSQL statements that do not involve the handling of multiple rows of output data.
TIB_KeyDataLink  This component is used to handle the KeyLinks/KeySource based master-detail relationship between datasets.
TIB_LocateCursor  This is an internal cursor that is used to process the Locate() and Lookup() operations.
TIB_MasterDataLink  This component is used to handle the MasterLinks/MasterSource based master-detail relationship between datasets.
TIB_NodeList  This file contains the object used to store the record buffer for the TIB_BDataset class.
TIB_Query  It is possible to process ALL InterBase DSQL statements via this component.
TIB_Row  This object is used to maintain the row buffer and the TIB_Columns array associated with the buffer.
TIB_SchemaCache  Work in progress.
TIB_Session  This class serves as a critical foundation for IB Objects components.
TIB_SQLStrings  Special strings class for handling the SQL property.
TIB_Statement  This class serves as a foundational base class for the TIB_DSQL, TIB_Cursor and TIB_Query components.
TIB_StatementLink  This component is used to propogate the events generated by the TIB_Statement class.
TIB_StringList  This class is used heavily throughout IB Objects.
TIB_TimeoutProps  This component is used in order to store all the settings necessary for management of transaction timeouts.
TIB_Transaction  This component is designed to encapsulate all of the InterBase API's transaction functionality.
TIB_TransactionLink  This component serves as a base class or contained object for other components needing to become transaction aware.
TIB_TransactionStatementLink  This instance is for internal use only.
TIB_UpdateSQL  This component is very much like the TUpdateSQL component in the standard data aware components except that it is owned and contained by the dataset instead of being a separate reference.

PIB_BlobFieldMap  Structure used to store blob node mappings for the record.
TIB_AnnounceDMLCacheItemEvent  This event type is used to process the DMLCacheItems in order to maintain cross-dataset buffer synchronization.
TIB_ArrayReader  This type is used in order to read slices or whole arrays into variant arrays using streams as the intermediate vehicle.
TIB_ArrayWriter  This type is used in order to write slices or whole arrays into variant arrays using streams as the intermediate vehicle.
TIB_BufferSynchroFlags  These are flags used to maintain buffer synchronization with the server.
TIB_BufferSynchroFlagsSet  These are flags used to maintain buffer synchronization with the server.
TIB_CachedUpdatesProcess  CachedUpdates processing flag for internal use only.
TIB_CallbackEvent  Event type to process a fetch callback when fetching many records.
TIB_CallbackStatus  When fetching records to the end of a dataset or an undefined point a fetch callback mechanism is used.
TIB_CharCase  The character case that should be used when accessing this column with a data bound control.
TIB_ColLinkEvent  Event type used for statements and columns.
TIB_ColumnDataLinkEvent  General event notification for the IB_DataLink component that also includes a reference to a single column whether input or output.
TIB_ColumnEvent  Event type used with the TIB_Column object.
TIB_ColumnEventAs  Event type used with the TIB_Column object.
TIB_ColumnTrimming  Trimming options
TIB_CommitAction  These are actions the dataset should take when it's transaction Commits.
TIB_ConfirmationEvent  This event is used to provide a hook that allows confirmation to be acquired.
TIB_ConnectCharacteristics  Structure used to retreive various settings for a connection.
TIB_ConnectionEvent  Event type used by most events for the TIB_Connection component.
TIB_ConnectionEventType  All of the different notification messages generated by the TIB_Connection component and propagated to the TIB_ConnectionLink class.
TIB_ConnectionFieldEntryTypes  This is what tells whether or not DomainName and SQLType entries are included in any of the stringlist properties.
TIB_ConnectionFieldEntryTypeSet  Set type for the field entry types property.
TIB_ConnectionLinkEvent  Event type for the TIB_ConnectionLink component.
TIB_ConnectionStatus  Status of the connection.
TIB_CreateColumnEvent  Event to create a custom field type.
TIB_CustomizeDPBEvent  Event type used by the TIB_Connection class to pass in custom DPB settings.
TIB_CustomizeTPBEvent  Event type used by TIB_Transaction class to pass in custom TPB settings.
TIB_CustomRecordCount  In some cases it is necessary to provide a custom means to figure out how many records are in the current dataset.
TIB_DataAction  VCL Compatibility
TIB_DataChangeEvent  Event to notify of a column that has had a data change or update request.
TIB_DataLinkEvent  General event notification for the IB_DataLink component.
TIB_DataOperation  VCL Compatibility
TIB_DatasetCanModify  States for which a check is performed to allow the developer to affix a custom algorith to the CanEdit, CanDelete, and CanInsert properties.
TIB_DataSetErrorEvent  VCL Compatibility.
TIB_DatasetEvent  Event type for most all events of the TIB_Dataset component.
TIB_DatasetRowEvent  Event type for most all events of the TIB_Dataset component that also need a row reference to accompany them.
TIB_DatasetState  These status types are used to determine the state of the dataset.
TIB_DatasetStateSet  Set of TIB_DatasetState values.
TIB_DataSourceEvent  General event type used by the TIB_DataSource class.
TIB_DPBFlag  This type is used in setting DPB settings for a connection.
TIB_FilterOption  VCL compatibility.
TIB_FilterOptions  VCL compatibility.
TIB_FilterRecordEvent  VCL compatibility.
TIB_FullTextSearchType  This type is used in order to indicate which type of full text search should be perforrmed.
TIB_GetCanModifyEvent  Event type to allow whether a dataset can be modified.
TIB_GetCanScrollEvent  This is used to inquire if the dataset should be scrolled or not.
TIB_GetDataLinkColorEvent  Event type defined to TIB_Session and TIB_SessionProps but used by TIB_DataLink to override retrieval of colors used in ColorScheme information.
TIB_Isolation  Isolation levels for the transaction.
TIB_LocateOption  VCL compatibility.
TIB_LocateOptions  VCL compatibility.
TIB_LoginEvent  Event type used by the TIB_Connection class for logging in a user.
TIB_MasterChildAction  Actions taken by a child dataset in a master-detail relationship.
TIB_MasterSearchFlags  Options to better control behavior of datasets when using the MasterSearch option.
TIB_MasterSearchFlagsSet  These settings provide more specific control over the baheavior of datasets in a master-detail relationship and MasterSearch is being used.
TIB_ProcessSearchBuffer  This event is used in order to provide custom handling of search criteria.
TIB_ReceiveDMLCacheEvent  This event type is used to process the DMLCacheItems in order to maintain cross-connection buffer synchronization.
TIB_ReceiveDMLCacheItemEvent  This event type is used to process the DMLCacheItems in order to maintain cross-dataset buffer synchronization.
TIB_RefreshAction  When Refresh is called one of these actions will be taken.
TIB_RowChangedEvent  System defined event type for a row buffer or column object.
TIB_RowEvent  System defined event type for a row buffer.
TIB_RowFieldEvent  Event to handle a calculated field operation.
TIB_RowSelectedChanged  This event type is used to notify when a record is selected or unselected.
TIB_RowState  States that a row's buffer can be in.
TIB_RowStateEvent  Event type for a change in the state of the fields or params row.
TIB_RowType  Types of rows.
TIB_SearchingEventType  These event types are used to process SearchBuffer values.
TIB_SessionTimerEvent  Event type used to process the session timer notification.
TIB_SoundExParse  Event type to define SoundEx parsing routines for a connection.
TIB_StatementEvent  Standard event type for the TIB_Statement class.
TIB_StatementEventType  Statement event types.
TIB_StatementType  InterBase statement types.
TIB_StmtLinkEvent  General event type used for the TIB_StatementLink class.
TIB_TransactionCanPauseEvent  Event type used by some events for the TIB_Transaction component.
TIB_TransactionEvent  Event type used by most events for the TIB_Transaction component.
TIB_TransactionEventType  All of the different notification messages generated by the TIB_Transaction component and propagated to the TIB_TransactionLink class.
TIB_TransactionLinkEvent  This event serves as the general event type for transaction link components.
TIB_TransactionState  Status of the transaction.
TIB_UpdateAction  VCL Compatibility
TIB_UpdateErrorEvent  VCL Compatibility
TIB_UpdateKind  VCL Compatibility
TIB_UpdateStatus  VCL Compatibility

Global Constants
BoolFalseChr  This value is used as the default boolean false value for text columns.
BoolFalseNbr  This value is used as the default boolean false value for numeric columns.
BoolTrueChr  This value is used as the default boolean true value for text columns.
BoolTrueNbr  This value is used as the default boolean true value for numeric columns.
PendingTransactionStates  These are the states when a transaction is in the process of closing up a unit of work.