TIB_Statement Object
Properties Methods Events |
TIB_Statement = class(TIB_Component)
This class serves as a foundational base class for the TIB_DSQL,
TIB_Cursor and TIB_Query components.
It handles all of the necessary API calls to allocate, prepare and execute an
InterBase DSQL statement. It also interprets and defines memory buffers that
are bound to column objects for both input and output handling.
An important thing to know about this component and its descendants is that all
output is accessed in the Fields[] array and not the Params[] array. The BDE
returns stored procedure results in the Params[] array and this is not how it
works in InterBase. I may emulate how the BDE does it at a future time but for
now when executing stored procedures get the results from the Fields[] array.
Before Params[] can be accessed the statement or dataset must be Prepared.
This is the step that creates objects for all of the input and output columns.
Introduced Public Properties |
Active | When output is being requested Active will be true if a preapred statement was successfully executed and output exists. |
AssigningSQL | Flag which returns if the statement is in the process of being assigned. |
CalculatedFields | This property is used to describe the number of and format of the calculated fields to be used with the statement or dataset. |
CalculatingFields | Property which tells if the values of CalculatedFields are being set. |
ClientSQL | Property which returns the client provided SQL statement without any alterations for sending to the server. |
ColAttributeParams | User defined column properties can be stored via this property. |
ColumnAttributes | This is a special property that allows custom attributes for the columns of this statement to be stored. |
DatabaseName | Property to connect to a connection component by providing a global string instead of a direct component reference. |
FieldCount | Number of output columns. |
Fields | Reference to the output columns of the statement or dataset. |
FieldsAlignment | Gives contol over how the data should be aligned if something other than the default is desired. |
FieldsCharCase | Gives contol over how string data should be handled by data aware controls. |
FieldsDisplayFormat | Allows a display string to be provided for a column's DisplayText property. |
FieldsDisplayLabel | Allows the DisplayLabel to contain a more user friendly column heading. |
FieldsDisplayWidth | Allows the width in pixels of a IB_Grid column to be adjusted. |
FieldsEditMask | Allows an EditMask string to be provided for a column's data aware control to use when editing the contents of the column.. |
FieldsGridLabel | Allows you to override DisplayLabels for a column with a label specifically for display on a grid column title. |
FieldsIndex | Allows the order of the IB_Column objects to be altered. |
FieldsReadOnly | Allows controls associated to fields to be locked as a readonly field. |
FieldsTrimming | Set the trimming of fields according to the valid entries below:
Make column entries using the standard format as: [< tablename >.]< columnname >=N[one] [< tablename >.]< columnname >=A[ll] [< tablename >.]< columnname >=B[oth] [< tablename >.]< columnname >=L[eft] [< tablename >.]< columnname >=R[ight] [< tablename >.]< columnname >=S[entence] |
FieldsVisible | Allows fields to be set to Visible as false. |
FieldValues | This property gives a variant result of the given output column passed in. |
Hints | The various bar controls will look here for generic hint definitions. |
IB_Connection | Connection to be used for this statement. |
IB_Transaction | Transaction to be used for this statement. |
IsColAttributeSet | User defined column properties' existance can be accessed via this property. |
IsSelectSQL | Tell if the statement is a SELECT SQL statement. |
KeepSQLHistory | This property determins whether a SQL history is preserved for the compoenent or not. |
KeyRelation | This property can make a dataset that invloves a multi-table join be insert or delete capable. |
OldParamValueLinks | Parameter values are stored aside so that between transactions their values can be preserved. |
OnBlobCallback | This event allows specific hooks into the process that gets and puts BLOB segments to and from the server. |
ParamChar | Character to be used as an alternate charater to denote an input parameter in the SQL property. |
ParamCheck | This property makes the parser check for input parameters or not. |
ParamCount | Number of input columns. |
Params | This is a reference to the input parameters for the statement. |
ParamValueLinks | If parameters are used in the SQL statement then the string values that need to be assigned to these input parameters can be added into this string list as entries. |
ParamValues | This property gives a variant result of the given input column passed in. |
PdbHandle | Pointer to the InterBase connection handle referenced by this statement. |
Prepared | The prepared status of the statement or dataset can be determined with this property. |
PreparingSQL | Flag which returns if the statement is in the process of being prepared. |
PstHandle | Pointer to the InterBase statement handle. |
PtrHandle | Pointer to the InterBase transaction handle referenced by this statement. |
RefinedSQL | Property which returns the refined SQL that was sent to the server. |
RefiningSQL | Flag to indicate that the PrepareSQL phase is in refinement. |
RepreparingSQL | Flag which returns whether or not the statement is going through a re-prepare cycle. |
RetrieveDomainNames | Setting this to false will cause IBO to ignore all requests to retrieve the name of the Domain for its columns. |
RowsAffected | If a DML is executed then this property will return the number of rows that were affected by it. |
RowsSelected | This result accompanies RowsAffected and tells how many rows were selected on the server in order to complete the operation performed. |
SelectParamsCount | This gives a count of the number of input parameters which were included in the select portion of a SELECT statement. |
ServerSQL | Property which returns the SQL that was sent to the server. |
SQL | This is the property which contains the SQL statement to be prepared and executed. |
SQLDialect | Tells the SQLDialect of the connection. |
SQLHistory | Makes the contents of the SQL history list available. |
SQLHistoryRef | Positions the reference into the history list. |
SQLIsAggregate | Property which tells if the SQL statement is an aggregate style SELECT statement. |
SQLIsRefined | Returns a flag that tells if the dataset is a result of a refined SQL statement. |
SQLIsSelectProc | This property tells if the SELECT statement is actually using a stored procedure to select data from. |
SQLIsValid | Tells whether the statement has a need to reprepare itself. |
StatementLinkCount | Number of statement link objects referencing this statement. |
StatementPlan | If a SELECT or query based DML is performed then there will be an optimization PLAN resolved for it. |
StatementType | Once prepared this property returns which statement type has been prepared. |
stHandle | This is the InterBase statement handle obtained by allocating it. |
StoredProcHasDML | If a stored procedure does not perform any DML operations then it is posssible to make it so that executing it will not activate the transaction. |
SysBindingCursor | System use property. |
SysFieldNames | System use property. |
SysParamNames | System use property. |
SysTableNames | System use property. |
Introduced Public Methods |
AddSQLHistory | Adds the current statement to the statement history depending on where the SQLHistoryRef property is set. |
BeginLayout | Begin a bracketed operation on the FieldsXXXX properties for efficiency. |
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Method to cause the current fields to be recalculated. |
CheckConnection | Method to check the status of the IB_Connection reference and optionally request that a connection be attempted. |
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Method to check the status of the IB_Transaction reference and optionally request that a transaction be started. |
ClearSQLHistory | Clears out the history of statements added to the statement history. |
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CreateBlobStream | Method which allows direct access to the contents of a BLOB parameter or field. |
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EndLayout | End a bracketed operation on the FieldsXXXX properties for efficiency. |
ExecImmed2 | This method will allow immediate execution of a statement that has both input and output parameters. |
ExecSQL | BDE/VCL compatibility method. |
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This method will execute the SQL statement. |
ExecuteDDL | This method is used in order to execute DDL statements without having to go through all the steps to prepare, describe, etc. |
ExecuteImmediate | This method will allow immediate execution of a statement and input parameters. |
FieldByName | This method will attempt to return a TIB_Column reference for the field name passed in. |
FindField | This method will attempt to return a TIB_Column reference for the field name passed in. |
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This method will attempt to return a TIB_Column reference for the field name passed in in the KeyFields array. |
FindParam | This method will attempt to return a TIB_Column reference for the parameter name passed in. |
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This method will cause the server resources involved with the statement to be freed up so that the client will not unnecessarily hold resources on the server open. |
Gen_ID | This method will return a Generator value with a specified increment. |
GeneratorValue | This method will return a Generator value with a specified increment. |
GetBlobNodeData | This procedure will take a BlobNode and get the data for its BLOBID and store it into the buffer with the size indicated. |
GetFieldList | This method populates a TList with the TIB_Column references for the fields. |
GetFieldNamesList | This method populates a string list with the names of the fields. |
GetParamList | This method populates a TList with the TIB_Column references for the parameters. |
GetParamNamesList | This method populates a string list with the names of the parameters. |
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This method flags the statement or dataset as needing to be reprepared before it is executed again. |
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This method will attempt to return a TIB_Column reference for the parameter name passed in. |
Prepare | Prepare or reprepare an invalidated statement or dataset. |
PutBlobNodeData | This procedure will take a BlobNode and "put" the data for it in a new temporary BLOBID and store it in the BlobNode.BLOBID. |
RemoveSQLHistory | Drops a string from out of the SQL History. |
Unprepare | This method will close, unprepare and free up the InterBase statement handle obtained upon allocation. |
UpdateLayout | Force the IB_Column objects in the Fields and Params properties to take on the settings in the FieldsXXXX property settings. |
UpdateRecord | Cause any controls holding changes to data to save them to the row buffer. |
UsingDefaultTransaction | This function tells whether or not this statement or dataset is using the default transaction of the connection. |
Introduced Public Events |
AfterExecDDL | General statement notification event. |
AfterExecDML | General statement notification event. |
AfterExecute | General statement notification event. |
AfterPrepare | General statement notification event. |
AfterUnprepare | General statement notification event. |
BeforeExecDDL | General statement notification event. |
BeforeExecDML | General statement notification event. |
BeforeExecute | General statement notification event. |
BeforePrepare | General statement notification event. |
BeforeUnprepare | General statement notification event. |
OnActiveChange | General statement notification event. |
OnCalculateField | Event where code can be placed to provide values for the fields created as a result of entering specifications in the CalculatedFields property. |
OnCreateColumn | Method to allow customized TIB_Column classes to be used. |
OnFieldsStateChanged | General statement notification event. |
OnInvalidateSQL | General statement notification event. |
OnLayoutChanged | General statement notification event. |
OnParamsStateChanged | General statement notification event. |
OnPreparedChanged | General statement notification event. |
OnPrepareSQL | General statement notification event. |
OnValidateField | Event to validate the field's value. |