AutoFetchAll |
When a dataset is opened this property determins if all rows should
be fetched or not. |
AutoFetchFirst |
When a dataset is opened this property determins if the first row should
be selected or not. |
AutoPostDelete |
Determins if a call to the Delete method will also be posted immediatly. |
Bof |
Returns if the dataset is at the beginning of the file. |
Bookmark |
This only works for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferBof |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferBookmark |
This only works for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferEof |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferFields |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferHasBof |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferHasEof |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferRowCount |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
BufferRowNum |
This only works well for the IB_Query component for now. |
CallbackCaption |
This message is used by the default callback dialog that appears when
records are being fetched in from the server in bulk quantity. |
CallbackFetchingLevel |
Indicates if callbacks have been requested for fetching activity. |
CallbackFreezeLevel |
Returns whether or not callbacks have been frozen. |
CallbackInc |
Determines the increment at which an OnCallback event is triggered. |
CallbackInitInt |
When using default callback processing this determins the amount of
initial delay before any visible action is taken to inform the user that a
query is being processed. |
CallbackInitTick |
Stores a reference to the GetTickCount when the query was started. |
CallbackRefreshInt |
When using default callback processing this determins the amount of
incremental delay before any visible action is taken to update the user
during the processing of a query. |
CallbackRefreshTick |
Provides a built-in storage for maintaining a time based increment. |
CancelledState |
Property that tells which state the dataset was in when before it was
cancelled. |
CanDelete |
Returns if the dataset can delete the current row. |
CanEdit |
Returns if the dataset can modify the current row. |
CanInsert |
Returns if the dataset can insert a new row. |
CanModify |
Returns if the dataset can modify the current row or insert a new one. |
CanScroll |
Returns if the dataset can Scroll to a different row. |
CanSearch |
Returns if the dataset can go into search mode to select a subset of rows. |
CheckRequired |
Determine whether or not required fieds are checked just prior to posting
an edit or insert. |
ClosePending |
Returns if the dataset is in the process of being closed. |
ColorScheme |
IBO native data aware controls are designed to use a color scheme when a
dataset is in dssSearch, dssEdit, dssInsert states. |
CommitAction |
ConfirmDeletePrompt |
Message prompt used to confirm if a record should be deleted or not. |
ControlsDisabledLevel |
This property tells if the state and data change events are being
cached and not propagated to the datasource and datalinks. |
CursorBof |
Bof status of the underlying cursor. |
CursorEof |
Eof status of the underlying cursor. |
CursorName |
Name of the cursor defined on the server for fetching records from. |
CursorRowNum |
RowNum of the underlying unidirectional cursor that brings records into the
buffer. |
DataSourceCount |
Returns the number of datasource components that reference this dataset. |
DataSources |
Gives and indexed access to all DataSources that reference this dataset. |
DefaultValues |
This property allows defaults to be defined on the client. |
DeleteSQL |
This property is used to supply a custom SQL statement that will take care
of deleting the current row of the dataset. |
DetailFieldName |
Gives the name of the Detail Column for the indexed reference in the
MasterLinks property. |
DetailRelation |
Gives the name of the Detail Table for the indexed reference in the
MasterLinks property. |
DMLCacheFlags |
This property controls how a dataset interacts with the DML cache of its
transaction in order to synchronize changes between datasets automatically. |
EditSQL |
This property is used to supply a custom SQL statement that will take care
of editing the current row of the dataset. |
Eof |
Returns if the dataset is at the end of the file. |
Fetching |
Returns if the dataset is currently processing the query by fetching rows
from the server. |
FetchingAborted |
This property returns if the user aborted the fetching of records by
calling AbortFetching or closing the dataset. |
GeneratorLinks |
This property makes it very easy to populate a column with a value from
a generator. |
GetServerDefaults |
This determins if default that are declared at the server level should be
queried and parsed and used when an insert is performed on the client. |
HasPostRetained |
After the post/retaining has been performed it may be useful to know this so
that certain action can be taken. |
Hints |
Contains a list of hints that are used to display more user friendly
messages to the user. |
IB_KeyDataLink |
This is a reference to the datalink used to maintain a relationship with the
KeyLinks master dataset. |
InsertSQL |
This property works just like the TUpdateSQL.InsertSQL property. |
IsCancelling |
Returns if the dataset is currently in the process of cancelling changes. |
IsPosting |
Returns if the dataset is currently in the process of posting changes. |
IsPostRetaining |
This flag can be used to tell when the dataset is being posted if it is also
going to be retained. |
IsRowLocked |
When using PessimisticLocking this property tells you if a lock has been
obtained for the current row in the dataset. |
JoinLinks |
This property can play a very important role in th IB_Query component. |
KeyChildUpdatingLevel |
Used to keep track of if a child in a KeyLinks relationship is being
scrolled to match the parent record. |
KeyDataFreezeLevel |
This property indicates if scrolling in a KeyLinks child dataset will
allow the parent records keys to be modified. |
KeyDataset |
Reference to the KeyDataset being used. |
KeyDescLinks |
This property is used to determine which columns in the KeyLinks parent
should be updated as the KeyLinks child is scrolled in order to maintain
description columns for display purposes. |
KeyFields |
Reference to allow access to the columns defined in the KeyLinks property. |
KeyLinks |
This property plays a very important role in the IB_Query component. |
KeyLinksAreDBKEY |
Tells if the KeyLinks are based on a DB_KEY column or not. |
KeyLinksAutoDefine |
This property determins whether or not the KeyLinks should be defined
automatically if none were provided by the developer. |
KeyLinksAutoDefined |
This flag tells if the KeyLinks property was defined by the system
from querying the metadata for a primary or unique key or if they were
defined by the developer. |
KeyRelation |
It is possible to make a dataset that is composed of a join between
tables to be made insertable and deletable by indicating which relation
is the one that these operations should be performed on. |
KeySeeking |
This property determines whether or not seeking is performed in the
child dataset of a KeyLinks relationship. |
KeySource |
This property defines which dataset is referenced in order to complete
the KeyLinks relationship. |
LockSQL |
This property works almost exactly like the EditSQL property except its
purpose is to merely perform a dummy update to whatever record that you want
locked. |
MasterDataChangeLevel |
Flag to indicate that the dataset is being refreshed due to the parent
dataset a MasterLinks relationship having its data changed. |
MasterDataset |
Reference to the MasterDataset being used. |
MasterFieldName |
Gives the name of the Master Column for the indexed reference in the
MasterLinks property. |
MasterLinks |
This property is used to define the column to column relationships
between the child and master datasets. |
MasterParamLinks |
This property works just like Parameterized queries in a TQuery. |
MasterRelation |
Gives the name of the Master Table for the indexed reference in the
MasterLinks property. |
MasterSearch |
This property determins whether or not a child dataset will follow its
master into dssSearch state. |
MasterSearchFlags |
Property to take better control over the behavior of datasets when using the
MasterSearch option. |
MasterSearchWasActive |
Flag to store wheter the dataset was active when its parent went into
dssSearch mode and it followed due to having MasterSearch set to true. |
MasterSource |
Reference to the dataset that will serve as the master dataset in a
master detail relationship. |
MaxRows |
Maximum number of rows to be fetched. |
MaxTicks |
This property will cause a query that is fetching rows to only fetch for a
certain amount of time before it aborts the fetching process. |
MinTicksRows |
This property determines when the MaxTicks can begin checking to abort the
process of fetching rows. |
Modified |
Returns if any modifications have been made to the current row. |
NeedToPost |
Returns if the dataset has changes that are pending. |
OpenPending |
Returns if the dataset is in the process of being Opend. |
OrderingField |
If an OrderingLink is currently active then this will have the TIB_Column
reference to the column used to define the OrderingLink entry. |
OrderingItemNo |
This property determins which of the OrderingItems entries is the current
sort order of the dataset. |
OrderingItemNoChanging |
Returns if the OrderingItemNo is in the process of changing. |
OrderingItems |
This property is used to define a list of valid sort criteria for a dataset. |
OrderingLink |
If an OrderingLink is currently active then this will have the name of
the column used to define the OrderingLink entry. |
OrderingLinkChanging |
Returns if the OrderingLink is in the process of changing. |
OrderingLinks |
This property defines the relationship between columns and entries in the
OrderingItems table. |
OrderingParam |
Paramerer used to improve performance when dealing with large datasets. |
PageRows |
Number of rows that a connected control has requested to be scrolled
when the PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP commands are received. |
ParamValueLinks |
Not fully implemented yet. |
PessimisticLocking |
Upon going into dssEdit state you can have a dummy update automatically
performed that will lock the record that just went into dssEdit state. |
PostedState |
Property that tells which state the dataset was in when it was last posted. |
PreparedEdits |
This property determins whether all updates are performed through a
prepared DSQL or if a DSQL statement for only the
updated columns should be constructed and immediatly executed. |
PreventDeleting |
Prevents the dataset from going into dssDelete state by making CanDelete
return false. |
PreventEditing |
Prevents the dataset from going into dssEdit state by making CanEdit
return false. |
PreventInserting |
Prevents the dataset from going into dssInsert state by making CanInsert
return false. |
PreventSearching |
Determines if the dataset can go into dssSearch state. |
ReadOnly |
Returns if a dataset is readonly. |
RecNo |
Current record number of the output. |
RefreshAction |
This property defines th action that should be taken upon Refreshing a
dataset. |
Refreshing |
Returns if a dataset is currently in the process of refreshing. |
RefreshOnParamChange |
This property controls whether or not the dataset should be refreshed
after an input parameter has been changed or not. |
RequestLive |
This property is used in order to make a SELECT statement updatable
and deletable. |
RowNum |
Returns the current row number the cursor is positioned on. |
ScaningLevel |
Rows are being fetched from the server in order to move the current cursor. |
SearchCriteria |
Temporary reference used when a call to WriteSearch() or ReadSearch()
is called. |
SearchedDeletes |
In some cases it is necessary to have deletes performed via a searched
delete instead of a positioned delete. |
SearchedEdits |
This property will make behind the scenes updates performed with searched
updates instead of positioned updates. |
SearchingLink |
If a SearchingLink is currently active then this will have the name of
the column used to define the SearchingLink entry. |
SearchingLinkChanging |
Returns if the SearchingLink is in the process of changing. |
SearchingLinks |
This property is used to provide incremental searching on columns that
have been defined in the OrderingLinks property. |
SearchingLinksActive |
Returns if the SearchingLink is currently active. |
SearchingParam |
If a SearchingLink is currently active then this will have the TIB_Column
reference to the parameter used to define the OrderingLink entry. |
SearchingParamName |
If a SearchingLink is currently active then this will have the name of
the parameter used in the SearchingLink entry. |
SQLForUpdate |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the FOR UPDATE portion of
the statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLFrom |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the FROM portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLGroup |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the GROUP BY portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLHaving |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the HAVING portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLOrder |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the ORDER BY portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLOrderChanged |
Returns whether or not a search criteria or other modification was made
to the ORDER BY clause during the OnPrepareSQL event cycle. |
SQLOrderLinks |
This property contains a list of columns that the dataset is ordered by. |
SQLPlan |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the PLAN portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLSectionChanging |
Flag to indicate which portion of the SQL property is being changed. |
SQLSelect |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the SELECT portion of the
statement up to the beginning of the FROM portion. |
SQLUnion |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the UNION portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLWhere |
Preparsed acces to the SQL statement of the WHERE portion of the
statement up to the next major portion. |
SQLWhereChanged |
Returns whether or not a search criteria or other modification was made
to the WHERE clause during the OnPrepareSQL event cycle. |
SQLWhereHigh |
During the OnPrepareSQL cycle a self contained boolean expression can
be added into the WHERE clause at different priority levels. |
SQLWhereItems |
This property is very useful for having IBO handle the parsing of items to
be added to the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement being constructed. |
SQLWhereLow |
During the OnPrepareSQL cycle a self contained boolean expression can
be added into the WHERE clause at different priority levels. |
SQLWhereMed |
During the OnPrepareSQL cycle a self contained boolean expression can
be added into the WHERE clause at different priority levels. |
State |
Returns the current state of the dataset. |
Unidirectional |
Returns if the dataset can scroll backwards. |
UpdatesPending |
This property tells if there are any cached updates wiating to be applied. |
UpdateStatus |
This property tells the current CachedUpdates status of the currently
selected record. |