Our Guide for Delphi and CPPB programmers who have not used IB Objects before.
It is not a tutorial on InterBase, nor database design, nor on client/server programming. However, if you are new to this area of database application programming, we hope you will pick up some of the key differences in approach and technique between desktop database applications (that depend on the client program to do all validation and processing) and "server-centric" applications (that utilize the database's built-in and programmed processing capabilities).
If you have previously developed InterBase applications in Delphi using the BDE, this fully illustrated Guide will introduce you, step by step, to the essential differences that enable you to take full advantage of the InterBase API to ramp up the performance, stability and capability of your applications.
It covers all the 'basics' -
- is fully indexed -
- provides detailed, illustrated examples and explanations -
- with code where it is needed -
- and walk-through demos of how to approach some basic implementations.
Programming Scenarios
We want to build up a series of programming scenarios - typical pieces of implementation that are sometimes tricky for the newcomer to approach. In this edition, we begin by looking at two hot topics - using TIB_SessionProps to customize the application interface; and setting filters.
As our collection of scenarios grows, we will issue updates to licensed users of the Getting Started Guide.
Because the Guide has been expensive to develop, it is necessary to impose a small fee for a period, to recoup some of that cost. Trustware licensing applies to ALL recipients of copies of this publication. There are no exemptions for students, charities or other 'free' users of IB Objects.
Click this button to obtain your registered copy of Getting Started with IB Objects